的接收者 Richard M. 霍金斯奖 shall be an individual judged to have made noteworthy contributions to scholarship
或者创造性活动. 获奖者必须是全职教师. 所有学术
职级是合格的. 虽然通常每年都会有一个获奖者,但这个奖项
will not be presented in a year when c和idates fail to meet the necessary criteria
A call for nominations will be extended by the chair of the 教师 Honors 和 Awards
委员会一月会议. 每个部门可提名一名候选人. 的
name of the nominee 和 supporting material shall be submitted to the appropriate
迪安. Supporting material includes a current vita, letters of support, 和 copies
of any scholarly or creative work including, but not limited to, texts, recordings,
投资组合等. 作为候选人贡献的证据. 支撑材料必须
采用电子格式. 每位院长将从其所在学院或学院中对被提名者进行排名
school 和 submit these ranked names along with the supporting materials to the selection
committee via the Provost 和 Senior Vice President for 学术事务 office. 的
individual receiving the majority vote of the selection committee shall be recommended
作为Richard M. 霍金斯奖.
的 selection committee will be composed of the chair of the 教师 Honors 和 Awards
Committee, Provost 和 Senior Vice President for 学术事务, chair of the Research
以及三位霍金斯奖得主. 颁奖仪式
在秋季教师会议上. 该奖项将包括1000美元的教师专业奖金
development funds or a $1,000 check (由受赠人选择)和雕刻的牌匾
上面有收信人的名字. 一个牌匾将在博物馆的门厅里展出
A list of past winners 和 more information is available at the link above.
的 商会杰出教师社区服务奖 shall be based on service to the community with emphasis placed on contributions
that have enhanced or will enhance the quality of life in the Clarksville/Montgomery
县地区. 捐款可能是在一段时间内完成的.
Each department, 迪安, faculty member, staff member, or member of the Clarksville
Montgomery County community may nominate one individual for the award each year. 的
收件人应为 full-time teaching faculty member or departmental chair. 所有
拥有学术职级资格. 每年只有一名获奖者. 调用
for nominations shall be made by the chair of the 教师 Honors 和 Awards Committee
1月. 被提名人的姓名和证明材料应提交至
学院荣誉和奖励委员会主席. 支持材料应
附上最近的个人简历和支持信. 接受
majority vote of the selection committee shall be the recipient of the Chamber of
的 Honors 和 Awards Selection Committee shall consist of the Associate Vice President
for Campus Engagement; the Provost 和 Senior Vice President for 学术事务,
who shall serve as chair; the Vice President for 校友, Engagement 和 Philanthropy;
以及负责校友和参与的助理副校长. 颁奖仪式
在秋季教师会议上. 该奖项应包括由…提供的500美元支票
Zinifex Zinc Plant 和 an engraved plaque serving as a personal memento provided by
A list of past winners 和 more information is available at the link above.
的 365bet全国校友会杰出教授奖 shall be based on professional performance with a major emphasis on teaching. 的
收件人应为 全职终身 教员或系主任 和 应完成至少的 十年 在奥斯汀佩伊州立大学继续全职教学. 他们是
on leaves of absence for authorized reasons during the minimum ten-year continuous
full-time teaching period (for example, professional development leave, maternity
离开,等.)仍会被视为有资格得奖. 所有职级均为
符合条件的. Academic credentials requisite to the position held in the University shall
有足够的资格和选择. 应当有一个单一的接收者
每年颁发杰出教授奖. 任何获得此奖项的教员
shall not be 符合条件的 again to win the award until twenty years of full-time teaching
at 365bet have elapsed starting with the semester following the one in which the award
Each January, the chair of the 教师 Honors 和 Awards Committee will issue a call
for nominations from the faculty, the Student Government Association 和 校友 as
follows: each college 迪安, the Library Director, the SGA president 和 the assistant
vice president for 校友 和 Engagement will conduct a nomination process to determine
nominees from her/his area, 和 each will conduct balloting to determine the nominee(s).
Selected nominees must submit a one- to two-page narrative biography that includes
与此奖项相关的奖学金和教学信息. 被提名人
receiving the most votes after two balloting processes shall receive the award.
该奖项将包括1000美元的教师专业奖金 development funds or a $1,000
check (choice made by recipient), an engraved plaque serving as a personal memento
和 the recipient's name cumulatively inscribed on a plaque to be permanently displayed
A list of past winners 和 more information is available at the link above.
的 苏格拉底卓越教学奖 is 给n for outst和ing teaching for tenure- track faculty members who have not
但他获得了终身教职,并在年度秋季教师会议上发表了演讲. 有
每年最多5名得奖者. 受助人必须至少有一年
365bet的师生评估. 非终身制系主任也有资格.
除了成为优秀的老师, the c和idates' academic advising, research,
和 creative activities that clearly 支持卓越的教学也将被考虑.
接受者将不符合资格 在接下来的两个日历年内获胜.
Nominations are made within departments 和 are forwarded to one of five established 评选委员会. 以下每个单元将选出一位苏格拉底奖得主, 只要有合适的得奖人:
- 艺术与文学学院;
- 科学技术工程数学学院
- 365bet平台
- 商学院
- College of Education, Library; 和 faculty who are not assigned to specific academic 单位
的 individuals receiving the majority of the vote of the selection committee shall
be recommended to the Provost 和 Senior Vice President of 学术事务. 这
award consists of $1,000 in faculty development funds or a $1,000 check to the recipient
A list of past winners 和 more information is available at the link above.
的 终身教授卓越教学奖 is 给n for outst和ing teaching to a tenured faculty member 和 is presented at
一年一度的秋季教师会议. 每年不超过一名获奖者.
终身系教授也有资格. 除了成为优秀的老师,
the c和idates' academic advising, research, 和 creative activities that clearly
支持卓越的教学也将被考虑. 接受者将不符合资格
Nominations are made within departments 和 are forwarded to one of five established 评选委员会. 以下每个单元都将获得终身教授奖 卓越教学奖得主,只要有合适的得奖者:
- 文学艺术学院
- 科学技术工程数学学院
- 365bet平台
- 商学院
- College of Education, Library, 和 faculty who are not assigned to specific academic 单位
接受 majority of the vote of the selection committee shall be recommended to the Provost 和 Senior Vice President of 学术事务. 这 award consists of $1,000 in faculty professional development funds or a $1,000 check 送给收件人(由收件人选择)和雕刻的牌匾.