

The Foy Pool offers several different choices when it comes to swim lessons.  我们提供 美国红十字会家长组的教训 & 儿童水平通过学习游泳 3级. 365bet is proud to also be able to offer private and semi-private swim lessons 对于那些想要更量身定制的一对一指导的人.


Group Swim Lessons  Private Swim Lessons 

Please 不e: Group and private swim lesson participants are welcome to swim outside their swim lessons, during our open swim hours, with the purchase of a day or season 通过. 

Group Swim Lessons

我们提供 美国红十字会学会游泳(LTS) 1-3级,学前水上运动,家长 & 儿童水上运动和成人水平的游泳 instruction that teach participants how to swim skillfully and safely. 所有学会游泳 courses include instruction in basic water safety and survival 技能.

Lessons are held in two-week sessions, 4 days/week, for a total of eight 45-minute 课程,每六名参与者有一名讲师. 学前班及家长 & 儿童游泳课程分为8节课,每节课30分钟 每个会话. 所有课程都在福伊健身中心举行 & 娱乐中心的游泳池位于 在亚利桑那州立大学主校区的网球场之间. 

取消: 在 event of inclement weather/lightning, and lessons can不 be held, Swim Instructors will hold a make-up class that Friday at the scheduled time of the lesson. 在 event of a不her inclement weather delay in the same week, safety topics will be taught 福伊中心内部(年龄相近的组合).

退款: 退款 are 给n in the event that the Foy has to cancel a lesson (staffing changes, 天气等.) or if a refund is requested no later than 一个 week before the session 开始日期. All requests should be directed to Lauren Wilkinson, wilkinsonl@阿卜苏.edu.



Register in-person at the Foy Fitness and Recreation Center, or online at the link 下面. 如有任何问题请致电931-221-7564. 

2024年Group Swim Lessons程表

恶劣天气政策: 在 case of inclement weather, the water safety portion of the curriculum is taught inside using videos and instructor examples with class participation for a 每次会话最多一次.

8 - 8:45 am: 私人或半私人(见下文)




下午3 - 3:45:学前班*

5 - 5:45 pm: 私人或半私人(见下文)



*幼稚园及家长 & 儿童班每次30分钟






下午4 - 4:45:学前班*




*幼稚园及家长 & 儿童班每次30分钟


上午10 - 10:45:幼稚园*一级


下午3 - 3:30:学前班*


下午5 - 5:45:成人



*幼稚园及家长 & 儿童班每次30分钟








The 家长 and Child Sensory Swim lesson are each thirty (30) minutes long and are 专为6个月- 3岁. 

目的 of this course is to familiarize students with water and prepare them to learn to swim in the American Red Cross 幼儿游泳 or Learn-to-Swim courses. 参与者 will grow more comfortable in and around water through games, songs, 以及为他们的年龄设计的活动. 这门课是  designed to teach children to become good swimmers or to survive in the water on 他们自己的.

The Preschool Aquatic classes are thirty (30) minutes long each, are designed for 3-5 year-olds, and are split into three levels based on the children's 技能.

Red Cross 幼儿游泳 provides young children with positive, developmentally 适当的水上学习经验. 学前水上运动是为定向而设计的 young preschoolers to the aquatic environment and to help them gain basic aquatic 技能.  In addition, participants start learning about how to be safe around water.  参与者 will begin gaining rudimentary propulsive 技能 on both the front and the back and begin establishing independent aquatic locomotion 技能. 

The Level 1 swim lessons are 45 minutes long each and are designed for children 5-7 岁.

This course helps students feel comfortable in and enjoy the water.  参与者 will learn glides and floats and begin learning the basics of 游泳.  目的 of this class is to begin developing positive attitudes, good 游泳 habits, and safe practices in and around the water, as well as the fundamentals of floating and 游泳.  Students may still need assistance from instructors in performing 技能.

The Level 2 swim lessons are each 45 minute sessions and are suggested for children 6-8岁.

参与者 must be comfortable in and under the water to be successful in this level.  目的 of this class is to 给 participants success with fundamental 技能, including learning how to float without support, recover to a vertical position, perform 前前后后的爬,还有怎么踩水.  本课程旨在建立 upon 技能 learned in Level 1 and to perform without assistance.

The Level 3 swim lessons are each 45 minute sessions and are suggested for children 7岁及以上.

参与者 must be able to perform basic strokes, such as those learned in Level 2、无需协助.  本课程的目的是建立在学习的技能 Level 2 and to familiarize students with deeper water and more precise techniques.  Student will learn to tread water, perform rotary breathing, and successfully do front crawl, elementary backstroke, and flutter, dolphin, and breaststroke kicks.  Additionally, students may work on treading water, flutter and dolphin kicks, and 用不同的泳姿连续游至少50码.

Swim lessons for participants ages 15 and older, held in two-week sessions with a total of eight 45-minute classes with 一个 instructor for every six participants.

    • 初学者:适合没有水上经验的成年人使用. 参与者将学习漂浮、行走 water, glide, retrieve objects from underwater, and the basics of at least three kicks 和中风.
    • 中间: For adults who know the basics of 游泳 but would like to improve their technique 和/或学习新的和正确的踢腿和划水. 参与者将学习更长时间的游泳 distances and achieve proper technique in at least three kick and stroke combinations. 

Private Swim Lessons

参与者 in private swim lessons receive 一个-on-一个 instructions from a trained 根据他/她的能力、技能和需求进行指导. 课程提供给 每个年龄和游泳水平. 每节私人课程都是专门为 participant, providing a number of 技能 and abilities through drills, games and 针对各个年龄组的课程计划.

Private Swim Lessons are offered in 2 week blocks, meeting twice per week for 45 minutes 每节课共4节课. 参与者可以在周一或周三注册 或星期二/星期四在指定时间上课. 游泳课 for Preschool-age and younger will be approximately 30-35 minutes.

取消: 在 event of inclement weather/lightning, and lessons can不 be held, Swim Instructors will hold a make-up class that Friday at the scheduled time of the lesson. 在 event of a不her inclement weather delay in the same week, safety topics will be taught 福伊中心内部(年龄相近的组合).

退款: 退款 are 给n in the event that the Foy has to cancel a lesson (staffing changes, 天气等.) or if a refund is requested no later than the 一个 week before the session 开始日期. All requests should be directed to Lauren Wilkinson, wilkinsonl@阿卜苏.edu.

2024年Private Swim Lessons程时间表






上午8 - 8:45男/女- 1点

上午8点- 8点45分- 1点

上午9点- 9点45分男/女- 1点

上午9点到9点45分,T/TH - 1点

上午10点- 10点45分男/女- 1点

上午10点至10点45分,T/TH - 1点

下午3点- 3:45 -男/女- 2点

下午3 - 3:45 - T/TH - 2点

下午4点- 4:45 -男/女- 1点

下午4点- 4:45 - T/TH - 1点

下午5点- 5点45分-男/女- 1个车位

下午5 - 5:45 - T/TH - 1点





上午8 - 8:45男/女- 2点

8 - 8:45 T/TH -3点

上午9点- 9点45分男/女- 2点

上午9点- 9:45 T/TH -3点

下午4点- 4:45 -男/女- 1点

下午4点- 4:45 - T/TH - 1点

下午5点- 5点45分-男/女- 1个车位

下午5 - 5:45 - T/TH - 1点

名额可能会被填满. For up-to-date availability, go to the registration website 下面. 






