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Institutional Culture Committee


Austin Peay State University embraces institutional culture that reflects the core values of the institution and forms the basis of how PEAYple learn and work together. It is a blend of ideas, customs and practices, and values that define accepted behavior for every campus member.


Austin Peay State University will be known for its commitment to institutional culutre as evidenced by its learning and work environments, its acceptance of differences as positive and enriching and its ability to attract, retain and advance a diverse faculty, staff and student body.

Committee Charge

The committee is responsible for helping to foster a values-based and purpose-driven campus community that strives to create a culture of belonging where every person feels appreciated and has an opportunity to add value. The committee will promote a culture of belonging outlined by the Office of Institutional Culture that aligns with the strategic plan, campus-wide leadership expectations, and service standards that help increase participation, productivity, and positive outcomes for all campus members.  The committee will promote these principles through various sponsored programs and initiatives. Finally, the committee will be responsible for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Breakfast, awarding the annual Inclusion Award, hosting the monthly Appreciation and Belonging Hour on campus, as well as supporting ways to help incorporate diversity and inclusion in significant ways through teaching, research, and campus-wide engagement.